Gale AssociatesInc Blog Porous Pavement


Porous Pavement

A Potentially Environmentally Sound Drainage Solution

Sometimes an “out of the box” solution is needed. The porous pavement (shown on a rainy day) was installed in 2016 in a taxilane between two old T-hangar buildings at a New England airport. It was an inexpensive alternative to a much pricier drainage renovation. Installing new drainage structures and piping to the existing drainage was not financially feasible. This porous pavement alternative has performed as expected through several winter conditions without ponding or other drainage problems and saved the airport approximately $125,000.  Funding agencies authorized this pavement for “low traffic” aircraft movement areas (taxilanes).  However, unlike conventional pavement, it is not eligible for AIP maintenance funding with its 20-year life has been exceeded.

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